

Worried About an Infestation?

Work with a Top Roach Exterminator Serving the Columbus, OH Area

Cockroaches are infamously difficult to get rid of. If you’re worried about them in your home, then contact a roach exterminator for assistance. At Reed’s Pest Control, we’re prepared to help clients near Columbus, OH, with their needs. We offer prompt and professional assistance so that you can get rid of any pests in your home.


Get Rid of Roaches

Our professionals have years of experience and can successfully get rid of an infestation.

Learn More About Roaches

Know When to Call a Professional

Cockroaches have been around for millions of years. There are countless types, including the American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach, Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach, and German Cockroach. German Cockroaches, in particular, can be difficult to get rid of. They tend to bring with them bacteria that can cause a number of health problems, resulting in things like food poisoning, dysentery, and other problems. Particularly heavy infestations can even cause issues like respiratory infections.

There are a couple of signs that you might have an infestation. Aside from finding the roaches themselves, pungent odors and smear marks on your walls can be signs that you have an infestation. If you’re worried you might have an infestation, then contact a qualified roach exterminator for assistance.

close up of a swarm of roaches on a corner columbus oh
Need Assistance?

Give Us a Call

At Reed’s Pest Control, we’re able to provide clients near Columbus, OH, with safe and effective roach removal service. We have years of experience, which has given us the knowledge necessary to successfully identify if you have a roach infestation and provide you with the treatment necessary to get rid of it. Consider calling us today to request a quote and learn more.
